Explore heartwarming stories, secure giving, and join a community dedicated to making a difference, one mini heart at a time.

Mini Hearts is a platform that makes donating easy and secure with a user-friendly interface and Stripe integration for safe payments. Discover heartwarming stories of children in need, donate directly, and earn referral bonuses through our multi-level system. Each donation gives you a chance to win cash prizes through a transparent draw.

Heartfelt Stories

Connect deeply with touching narratives of children in need, knowing your donation directly impacts their lives and brings hope to their journey.

Transformative Impact

Experience the profound satisfaction of seeing your contribution create real change, transforming the lives of children.

Community of Compassion

Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals and organizations, united by a shared mission to bring positive change and spread kindness.

Secure & Trusted

Give with confidence, knowing that Mini Hearts prioritizes your security and trust, ensuring that your generosity reaches those who need it most.

Challenges That We Faced at the Start

The idea of Mini Hearts pushes for noble efforts to help children in need and collect donations. Our client shared their thoughts for the web app and how they envisioned the platform to function. Bringing their visions to reality involved new thought processes and creating innovative solutions.

Secure Payment Processing

Ensure secure payment process for local and international donors. The solution must satisfy the global standards for payment security.


Referral System

The client requested for a referral system that would be based on the donation amount from each donor.


Creative Stories & Targeted Donations

To create and implement a story panel with detailed stories about children. Donors must have a search function available so they could find stories that resonate with them.


Partner Company Integration

There must be a dedicated panel for partner companies to manage their campaigns, track donations, and access referral benefits.


Our Solution

We addressed the challenges and offered to create a highly potent web app that would accommodate donations and other transactions. The team also undertook the work of designing the architecture, user interface, and adding new features. We would also create a multi-level referral system, secure payment processing, and incentivised donations, among other things.

  • Integrated Secure Payment Processing

    We integrated Stripe for secure handling of payments. With SSL encryption and adherence to PCI-DSS standards, users can donate with confidence.

  • Referral System Implementation

    Our multi-level referral system tracks referrals and automatically distributes bonuses. First-level referrals earn 10% of the donation amount, while second-level referrals earn 5%.

  • Map Asset Mapping

    We faced a dilemma regarding asset placement in the map with animation. To solve this, we adjusted the timing of animations to ensure smooth transitions.

  • Donation Stories & Targeted Giving

    Our Story Panel features detailed narratives about children in need with advanced search and filter functions. These help users find the causes they care about most.

  • Implemented Incentivised Donations

    Each donation made through Mini Hearts earns a ticket number for a chance to win cash prizes. Our random draw mechanism ensures fairness in the selection process.

Excellent Features That Shape Mini Heart

Our developers studied market status and audience response to understand and create a one-of-a-kind solution. Each feature adds to the quality of the app and creates a cohesive environment. This enables users to freely interact with Mini Hearts and exploit its capabilities.

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    Simplified Payment

    Mini Heart offers secure and simplified donation for donors worldwide using Stripe. The channel complies with PCI-DSS standards for payment security.

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    Multi-Level Referral System

    The platform offers first-level (10%) and second-level (5%) referral bonuses, encouraging community engagement and expanding the donor base.

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    Story Panel

    Set up a Story Panel where users can view and donate to specific stories of children in need, personalizing the donation experience.

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    Incentive Mechanism

    Mini Heart’s ticketing system is designed to generate a ticket for each donation for random draws, awarding cash prizes to winners, thus incentivizing donations.

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    Admin Panel

    The platform provides tools for admins to monitor donations, manage user accounts, track referrals, oversee story submissions, and generate reports for better platform management.

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    Partner Company Integration

    Mini Hearts enables partner companies to manage their campaigns, track donations, and access referral benefits, facilitating collaborations and increasing donation inflows.


The Services We Provided

The team required an out-of-the-box thought methodology when working on Mini Hearts. We employed our world-class services to bring out the best in the app and create a market-leading product to serve the masses.

ui-ux services
UI/UX Design
ui-ux services
Web App Development
QA services
Quality Assurance
Deploy services
Project services
Project Management
Miantain services

Project Milestones We Achieved

The team dedicated significant resources and creativity to develop innovative solutions for the app, setting a precedent for future application development initiatives.

Requirement Gathering

The developers sat down with the Mini Hearts team to understand the project objectives and vision.


12-14 days

Team Members

Business Analyst and QA

App Designing

The design team got down to work, creating engaging interface designs and layout unlike anything in the market.


40-45 days

Team Members

UI & UX Designers,BA

App Development

As the work began, the developers built various aspects and features; all that within the deadline.


170-180 days

Team Members

Expert Developers, Designers

App Testing

The QA team thoroughly tested every aspect our developers built to ensure it was market ready.


30-35 days

Team Members

QA, Developers, BA, Project Manager

The Result

Mini Hearts has revolutionized charitable giving by creating a secure, user-friendly platform that inspires compassion and community support. Donors are empowered with clear pathways to contribute, detailed stories to connect with, and secure payment processing for peace of mind. Mini Hearts has built a vibrant, passionate community dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of children in need.

Result Banner
Bar Code

Tech Stack

Our team harnessed state-of-the-art tools and technologies to construct a sophisticated and intuitive application. Leveraging the power of Node and React JS, our goal was to create an app with seamless usability, robust functionality, and scalable potential.

UI/UX Design

With a keen eye for user experience, our designers intricately wove together functionality and aesthetics, to create an immersive delight.

  • Figma
  • Adobe Photoshop


We dived headfirst into backend development, architecting digital foundations that would shape the app.

  • Node.js
  • SQL

Quality Assurance

The quality assurance team spent dedicated hours to test the app thoroughly and share its view with the developers for a perfect app.

  • Selenium
Create a business value with Blockchain

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