Charge Savvy

Streamline Sales & Digitize Operations with a smart POS Solution.

Built For iOS, Web, Windows | Technology Objective-C, C#, JavaScript, Node JS, Express, Core PHP, BAAS (PARS)  | Industry Business | Language English

Charge Savvy
app development services in react js by ChicMic


Charge Savvy, a business product was developed for a client to control sales, stock, payments, orders, payments & customers. It is best designed with the multitude of advanced features & tech stack to fit your Hotel, Cafe & Retail store to offer a unique experience to the customers.

Based on the latest advances, the Charge Savvy offers the flexibility of registering orders, sending it directly to the kitchen, viewing transactions & making payments at the table in real time. Our hi-tech tablet-based POS is developed using Objective C, iOS SDK and a web-based back office is developed using HTML, PHP & Node.js to run seamlessly on secure servers without any software installation.


Technology Stack

  • Integration with a hardware device (PAX D210S) & Ingenico
  • Integration with Parse Framework as Back-end
  • Backup files on the custom server (AWS)(i.e. Working with Custom APIs)
  • Signature capturing functionality
  • Core-Bluetooth Functionality
  • Working on Sockets (TCP/IP)
  • HTML Report generation from the data saved on Parse.
  • PDF export of summary (Text & Graphical Data)

Key Features

  • Sales Analytics
  • Employment Management
  • Payroll Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Loyal Customer Base
  • Single Account For Multi-Locations
  • Multi-Devices & Platforms