Cancer Light is a revolutionary application that embodies a compassionate initiative. It offers vital cancer treatment information to patients navigating the complexities of the disease. The app uses the ‘Cytoscape’ library to dynamically visualize and present the user’s cancer treatment journey through interactive charts.
It provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on cancer treatments, empowering patients to make informed decisions about their care.
Cancer Light offers dynamic and interactive charts that visually represent the user’s cancer treatment journey.
Through an intuitive and user-friendly interface, the app encourages patients to actively engage with their treatment plans.
Beyond just information, Cancer Light embodies a compassionate initiative, providing emotional support to patients navigating their cancer treatment.
The client wanted an app that tailored cancer patients and provided them accurate information, especially in areas lacking sufficient medical expertise. The idea was to aid and assist cancer patients and keep them informed about their medical conditions, medications and checkups. The initial challenge the team encountered was to create a well-structured yet uplifting approach with the Cancer Journey Map. Followed up with difficulties in sourcing suitable libraries for the project. After exploring options like D3.js, we opted for Cytoscape due to its widespread adoption by major companies like Amazon.
We worked hard to address and solve the issues as encountered at the start of the project. Our clients had specific requirements that needed close attention. While devising solutions for each issue, the team worked on creating a streamlined process within our base development cycle. Here’s how we solved most of the issues for the project.
We faced video upload issues due to the varying video lengths as per client’s requirements. To address this, we utilized an S3 bucket to enable frontend video uploads, thus alleviating strain on the backend server.
Multiple nodes that emerged from a child map would randomly position, creating user unfriendliness. We rectified the issue and implemented a backend solution where each node’s relative x and y coordinates to its previous node were set.
We faced a dilemma regarding asset placement in the map with animation. To solve this, we adjusted the timing of animations to ensure smooth transitions.
The team ensured streamlining the Cancer Light Maps as deployed in webview for mobile that earlier led to issues with messages passing through webview.
Integrating different trackers and ensuring their easy accessibility to users posed a challenge. The team came up with a simple solution to integrate a full calendar with the trackers.
Our developers studied market status and audience response to understand and create a one-of-a-kind solution. Each feature adds to the quality of the app and creates a cohesive environment. This enables users to freely interact with Cancer Light and exploit its capabilities.
Patients can input their case file data to track their cancer journey. They also have the ability to add different highlight points and notes.
Users can track their cancer symptoms, chemotherapy, medication, radiotherapy through individual trackers provided within the platform.
The app provides a complete calendar to track patient’s chemotherapies and radiotherapies without a miss. They can integrate it in their individual maps.
The users can gain knowledge and insights about their cancer and other things through the cancer blog section, filled with useful information.
Admins get complete control over the platform through the admin panel, providing access to critical features like map creation, treatment records, etc.
The team required an out-of-the-box thought methodology when working on Cancer Light. We employed our world-class services to bring out the best in the app and create a market-leading product to serve the masses.
The team put up a massive effort to create innovative solutions for the app that would further be applied in future app development.
The developers sat down with the Cancer Light team to understand the project objectives and vision.
The design team got down to work, creating engaging interface designs and layout unlike anything in the market.
As the work began, the developers built various aspects and features; all that within the deadline.
The QA team thoroughly tested every aspect our developers built to ensure it was market ready.
Our team employed state-of-art tools and technologies to create a sophisticated and user-friendly app. Leveraging the power of RX Swift, Visual Studio Code 2, and more, we ensured a seamless user experience, robust functionality, and future-proof scalability. Every line of code and every integration reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in app development.
With a keen eye for user experience, our designers intricately wove together functionality and aesthetics, to create an immersive delight.
We dived headfirst into backend development, architecting digital foundations that would shape the app.
The quality assurance team spent dedicated hours to test the app thoroughly and share its view with the developers for a perfect app.